Teardown How to Get All Objectives in Every Mission

How to get all objectives in every mission.


Full Clear All Missions [OUTDATED]

The Old Building Problem


  • 1 Main


  • None

I believe this one really shouldn’t be a problem.

The Lee Computers


  • 3 Main


  • Fire alarms
  • Large fires will trigger the alarm

Again no big deal. Just don’t start a massive fire.

The Login Devices


  • 3 Main


  • Wired alarm boxes
  • Breaking an alarm box or wire will trigger the alarm

First mission with alarm boxes. Plan ahead and find a way to quickly get over the water. There should be plenty of time to get the objectives.

Making Space


  • 2 Main
  • 1 Optional


  • Fire alarms
  • Large fires will trigger the alarm

Not a time critical mission. Be creative to dump the safes into the water (e.g. with the crane or you can just slowly pull them). Channel all your destructive energy and put it into the cabin. Don’t forget to extinguish any fire bevore they get too big.

The Car Wash


  • 3 Main
  • 3 Optional


  • Wired alarm boxes
  • Breaking an alarm box or wire will trigger the alarm

One of the rather tricky ones. First thing is to dump the car from the Main garage. This one has no alarm, but also no wheels. Use the construction vehicles or get creative. I used the elevator to plank it onto another car and drove them into the ocean.

Next you can carefully sink the truck at the pitstup together with the objective on it. I didn’t think of that in the video so I used another objective to crash the truck into the ocean. Should be easier without having to to that.

Once that’s done, plan your run. It’s essetial that you place non-objective cars to get to the next objective once you dumped one. Since there are only four cars left, this should be doable after a few attempts.

Heavy Lifting


  • 1 Main
  • 4 Optional


  • Wired alarm boxes
  • Breaking an alarm box or wire will trigger the alarm

The fiddly thing in this mission is that there are two safes that need to be brought to the escape boat.

Before doing that, I suggest you get the three Key cabinets first. It’s pretty clear that it is best to start with the one at the Switchgear station and then make your way to the safes while collecting the other two.

Once you arrive at the safes, they need to be prepped so that you can bring them to the boat quickly. First I tried to drop them onto the truck and drive them to the boat, but this takes pretty long and more often than not the safes will go flying.

Since the safes are very close together (there are walls between them but thats obviously the least problem in this game), I used the crane and planked both safes to the hook. All I needed to do to finish the level was to reverse out of there to the boat.

The Tower


  • 1 Main


  • Fire alarms
  • Large fires will trigger the alarm

Tower needs to go BOOM. Done. Next.

Fine Arts


  • 4 Main
  • 4 Optional


  • Wired alarm boxes
  • Breaking an alarm box or wire will trigger the alarm

Boy oh boy. I would say this is by far the most difficult mission in the game. There are eight objectives and the distances are comparatively huge.

For this one you need a flawless plan and a few attempts.

Intuitively, you would start with the most distant one from the escape. This is exactly what I ended up doing. It is once again essential that you place your cars in a way that you never travel greater distances on foot. I also used one to jump back into the house after I got the three at the bottom right. Getting them last takes to long in my opinion.

Use bombs and planks to create a path between the paintings.

Once the preparation is done, hope that your cars don’t get stuck and try until you make it.

On the final part, it is more important to stay in control of the vehicle than to speed towards the escape. I would love to see your solutions on this one.

Tool Up


  • 4 Main
  • 2 Optional


  • Wired alarm boxes
  • Breaking an alarm box or wire will trigger the alarm

This one is not too easy but definitely doable. The most important thing is to pull the barge with the objective on it somewhere more reachable. I put it right in front of the escape so it basically doesn’t cost me any time.

For the rest use cars to quickly reach the objectives. For me, event the wheel loader worked out.

The Bluetide Computers


  • 5 Main
  • 3 Optional


  • Wired alarm boxes
  • Breaking an alarm box or wire will trigger the alarm

On this map, it is very important that you make yourself shortcuts (well, it’s the premise of the game…).

I suggest you start at the mansion because it’s the highest objective on this mission and you are faster getting down than getting up (quick shoutout to gravity).

From there you can plan a route to get all objectives. Don’t hesitate to use the boat to get around as it is one of the faster ones, if not the fastest. I used it to get to the far right.

Also wherever possible make the objectives easily accessable. For example you can put the computer from the server room on the stairs above, making it faster and easier to grab it.

The Speed Deal


  • 1 Main
  • 2 Optional


  • Fire alarms
  • Too much fire triggers the alarm

Ah yes a racing mission that has nothing to do with demolishion, right?

Well if you manage to do the track in under 20 seconds the legal way, I will rob a bank with you as my escape driver.

The humans among us can achieve this by repositioning the gates. You don’t need to move the whole steelframe tho, just the sign with the two lights on it will do. If you come close to this sign, it counts as gate passed.

The wire between the gate and the pole near the gate needs to remain intact. Otherwise the timer won’t start or abort. Apparently, you can also cut off the poles as long as the wires don’t snap, so you can literally place them all right next to the finish line.

You still need to pass the gates in the right order, so you can’t do 1 – 3 – 2, you can however do 1 – 3 – 2 – 3. If you miss one or drive over the finish line before passing all gates, your attempt doesn’t count.

You can use multiple cars so you don’t have to turn around.

I ended up with 12.95 s, let me know if you beat me. With moving the poles as well, even less than 1 s is possible.

More Guides:

Written by Kaypro
